Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this classic composition. It features one dozen of our finest red roses arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase. Standard bouquet includes twelve red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Deluxe bouquet includes twelve large red roses, bountiful red spray roses and greens including seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Premium bouquet includes large red and hot pink roses, bountiful red spray roses and greens including seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum.
Due to the importance of delivering orders for special occasions, such as funerals, birthdays, and anniversaries, on specific days, we may make a substitution of equal or greater value to ensure timely delivery, if the flowers you requested are not available, we will substitute to the closest flowers/color that are available.