Perfectly Peach Bouquet

Item # 176341
Perfectly Peach Bouquet

Product Details

Our Perfectly Peach Bouquet delivers sweetness with every sentiment. Designed by Doreen Gordy of Bloomers in Tomball, TX, it features soft peach blooms with pops of lively coral inside our rustic, grey-washed wooden cube. From the soothing floral tones to the natural textures of the container, it’s a gift that fills hearts and homes with warmth and happiness. All-around arrangement with peach roses, carnations and white waxflower; accented with peach hypericum and assorted greenery Artistically designed in our exclusive grey washed wooden cube with rustic style and natural, textural beauty; measures 5.2"L x 5.2"H x 5.2"W

Delivery & Substitutions

Due to the importance of delivering orders for special occasions, such as funerals, birthdays, and anniversaries, on specific days, we may make a substitution of equal or greater value to ensure timely delivery, if the flowers you requested are not available, we will substitute to the closest flowers/color that are available.


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Perfectly Peach Bouquet
Mylar Balloon
Perfectly Peach Bouquet
Perfectly Peach Bouquet
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